The fit movement is in a continuous slay.  Everybody who is anybody knows to pick up a habit that exerts them physically or helps them relax better and channel their energies more efficiently. It’s a beautiful craze that we’ve all caught and it doesn’t look like we will be letting go of our fondness for fitness any time soon. This is where we add the ever crucial advice on the label; it becomes necessary to pay attention to nourishment, rest, and safety in the process of fitness. If you run often, then you already know the high it gives after every earnest effort. Traditional advice for runners often cover the basics: stay hydrated, wear weather appropriate gear, run against traffic if you are running on the roads, wear luminescent clothing if you are having an early run, etc. But good advice can never be enough, so here’s more.

Breathe nasally, not orally

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There’s the myth that if we fill our lungs with air, we can use that full burst of energy it gives to run faster and longer but it’s just that, a myth. Our lungs, legs, and hands all work to give us good form while running and makes for a better experience. Each individual has different fitness levels and as a result, will run at different paces, cover different distances, and last different lengths of time in a run. That said, you can run better and use energy more efficiently in your race when you breathe through your nose, not your mouth. Inhale and exhale easily, this way you use your oxygen optimally to power yourself throughout your run without burning out in the process.

Look straight ahead

There’s this thing about looks that we are all guilty of; we try to mirror the postures of famous athletes when we do similar activities as they do, like running for instance. And so sometimes, you see people keeping their heads down while running because it looks cool. Well, it doesn’t.  It’s practical to look down only at the start or end of the race, not during. During the race, all heads should be kept straight and looking ahead in front of the tracks, or trail or roads, whatever the case is. While running, it is a matter of safety to be aware of your environment and that means keeping your eyes open, head up, and looking straight ahead the path before you. This simple tip could be all that assures your safety while you run.

Get off your feet

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Our legs are by far the most used part of our body and is the foundation on which other body parts depend.  But unfortunately, because it is so hardy, little thought is given to its health and care. For a quality life and an engaging fitness experience, you have to pay your legs the attention they deserve. This means taking out time to get off it when we can. Take a seat instead of standing if one is available, it doesn’t mean you are old, it just means you are wise and you know better. After a long run, try and stay off your feet when you don’t have to be on it. Like other parts of your body, it needs to rest regardless of how firm and faithful it is.

Nourish! Nourish!! Nourish!!!

There’s so much emphasis on losing weight and adding muscle that we forget these are only just two of the goals among many for a fitness life-style.  All that activity and exertion can be hard on the body and that is why we must nourish it for all intents and purposes. Basically, the body needs to replenish the energy it uses and you guessed it, this is efficiently done through the consumption of actual, real, whole foods, not alternatives that combine bad advertising, ridiculous claims, and sub-par options in one expensive sell.

Eat your carbs, eat your proteins and eat your healthy fats. Include food options that provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally and eat according to your goals.  By all means, nourish away and do not forget portion control. You can enjoy this journey regardless of the demands on your body and the intensity and discipline it requires. Make your next run your best run.


Let’s work!!!


Renowned fitness personalities make grueling workouts look like fondue on a hot afternoon or a walk in the park. But for the everyday person, it’s a lot of work. The triple backflip and burpees aren’t show off, but eh, you probably think it is if you can’t do it too. You too can become quite athletic and discover your inner savage in the gym with the tricks below. All you need to know is that gains come from consistent effort done with the right intensity all through and of course, over time. You can now drive your progress faster with the following advice.


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What you enjoy doing, you will do well. It’s simple logic.  This advice is great especially if you are one of those people who feel they need to do all the routines that exist to activate a particular muscle group. News flash, you don’t. A few of these routines spread out over different days is all you need. You may interchange routines every other week just to keep the experience varied and you, interested. So, for instance, you don’t need to do all of the routines for abs in one workout. Two routines targeting the upper, mid, and lower abs each is great for beginners. You may increase sets as your fitness level improves.


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Nutrition that is balanced and purposeful will always be the foundation for fitness gains. If you want to add muscle mass, you have to eat in a caloric surplus. If it’s lean mass you seek with that trendy cut look, then you should eat in a caloric deficit. So, say you weigh 65kg (143 lbs) and wish to add some weight and muscle,  You should be eating approximately 2000 – 2290 (Body weight(in pounds) x 14 – 16) calories and a minimum of 118g of protein per day to grow. If a lean mass is what you desire, then a person with 65kg weight will have to consume approximately 1,573 – 1,859 calories (The maths: BW(lbs) x 11 – 13), with the same minimum protein intake level. Make sure to eat your proteins and go for healthy food choices that cover your macro requirements (will talk about this in another post) in addition to the micronutrients you need for general health.


Music is great motivation and research has proven that workouts are more intense with music we enjoy or just music even than without. So make your own playlist and don’t forget your earpods when you go to the gym. It could be the difference between a killer workout or a weak effort.


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Alternate the tempo, that is, the rhythm of your movements to make gains even while using the same weights. You may choose to slow the range of motion and feel the muscle being worked contract with every push/pull. That calls your cells to work harder to hold the tension being applied and ultimately also makes your brain deploy more goods for muscle recovery in these regions. This means bigger and stronger muscles in the long term.

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Everybody knows this one. Your body is trembling, sweat dripping, eyes twitching to old focus and your buddies and passers-by are urging you to do one more for your love object, your parents, lover, friend etc Well, we grow in life only when put under pressure and this applies to workouts too. Our muscles will become stronger only if they have to do strong routines, not easy ones. This means that if you are working on a 3 x 10 workout program don’t be afraid to go a little more reps if you feel like your body can take it. The gains come from the extras you put in, mostly. Do one more. That mental tenacity that helps you push past the discomfort will serve you well in life.


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For strength routines, you may rest for approximately 2 – 3 minutes between reps to give maximum effort for fine results. If you are lifting light, rest periods should range from 60 – 90 secs. There are targeted circuit programs where individuals may take 10 – 30 secs rest between sets and a longer 2-5 minutes rest before switching to a new program. Whatever you do, make sure you are pushing yourself and giving max effort.


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People don’t often emphasize this enough but rest is vital to seeing progress when you work out, take them unashamedly. When you work out, you tear your muscles and only when you feed them with the right nutrients and ample rest that they need will they grow back stronger. A rest day after two days of intense workout sessions is ideal. For optimal gains, try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, much body repair and rejuvenation occurs during this time. Use your bed, it’s a vital part of your fitness journey (winks)


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Comparison is a thief of joy, don’t do it. There are uncountable descriptions of ideal body types and different appreciation for different looks. Don’t get wound up in another’s perception of what ‘looking good’ means, create yours within the lines of what’s healthy and safe, to be sure. In this vein, track your progress singularly and forget that buddy who started out with you. Take pictures over a time period as that’s fairly a dispassionate means of staying honest with yourself. The gains will come.

You are capable of making real, natural gains on your fitness journey without taking concoctions that may complicate your health. Focus on the basics, it’s proven to be very helpful.


Let’s Work!!


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If you are like me, then the thought of ingesting anything that isn’t a 100% food is scary. From the most basic of things to other substances that purportedly help to maintain health, my heart is always in my mouth whenever I have to absorb these things into my body. There’s an unspoken fear of whether it is good enough for me, would it cause any chemical imbalance in my body, stunt growth, mess up my mood, might it even weaken my natural defenses and let the way open for malicious infections to take root and worsen into a chronic infliction? It’s not paranoia, no it’s not. But in this uncertain clime of lower food quality, highly fertilized soils from which we receive sub-par food produce, fast-food mania, and an excessive consumption of canned foods with preservatives and such, being wary of what we eat is the new cool.

In the lines of these thoughts, for all interested in living a fit and healthy life, there is the argument about whether supplements work, are good to use, or even necessary at all. Then the much bigger cloud of confusion about what supplements are and whether they are the same with steroids and can be called “drugs.” Let’s explore the issues, shall we?


Image result for picture of protein powder and vitamins  Image result for picture of protein powder and vitamins

I’ll show you the whey (winks). “Whey” is perhaps the most popular word in bodybuilding and fitness generally and that’s because of its purported and confirmed claims by many of its impact on muscle health. Whey is the watery milky substance, mostly casein that is gotten as a by-product from cheese–making. It is often made into concentrates (higher dense) or extracts (mixtures with other nutrients) of protein and other substances that aid muscle repair caused by the intense exertion of an active life, mainly exercise. It is a foremost dietary supplement, meaning that it is a product taken orally that contains one or more ingredients (such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one’s diet and are not considered food as defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary. Fundamentally, the core points are that:

  • Supplements contain essential micro and macronutrients usually contained in food and needed for proper body function.
  • Are taken only to make up for nutrient deficiencies when you do not ingest enough nutrients from normal foods,
  • Are not categorized as being either foods or drugs.

So much wear and tear occur during high exertion from exercise and to help the body heal quicker and stronger, nutrients provide the fuel for this growth. If these nutrients aren’t sufficiently gotten from normal foods, supplements like whey protein, Creatine, Omega 3, Fatty acids, Vitamins, Botanicals (derived from plants & usually herb-based) are recruited to fill this deficiency to maintain health. They come in various forms like capsules, powders, gels, energy bars, tablets as well as drinks. Used appropriately and in moderation, they do a lot of good and are arguably safe (Note: They are unregulated by the FDA). They can easily be abused too which often leads to agitation (bowel or otherwise), birth defects, kidney stones, high blood pressure etc. As long as supplements are used properly, they pose little to no health risks but instead create the conditions that foster health and wellness, helping to control weight gain and increase metabolism in the body.


Image result for pictur of steroids  Image result for pictur of steroids

These are commonly called anabolic (tissue repairing) or androgynous (promoting male characteristics) steroids, the word “anabolic” in this context meaning growth for muscle growth. Steroids are artificial (synthetic) variants of naturally occurring hormones like testosterone (in the testes), estrogen (found in the ovaries) and corticosteroids (found in the adrenal cortex). The body makes these hormones naturally and in different quantities as is needed to maintain hormonal balance and proper body function. When synthetic substances are absorbed to increase the presence of these hormones in the body for muscle repair, performance enhancement, or strength building outside what comes naturally, it becomes dangerous to use. Steroids do have beneficial uses in the treatment of weight loss in HIV, Cancer, delay in puberty, etc. But when abused by athletes it may lead to kidney failure, high blood pressure, impotence, mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite etc Withdrawal symptoms may also include depression among other things. The reason for the jacked overly masculine look of some female bodybuilders is traced to an abuse of steroids and normal females who lift weights only (great for weight loss by the way) will never attain that appearance simply from weightlifting alone as they naturally can’t, from a biological and hormonal point of view.

Steroids can be injected, taken orally, or externally and ultimately, its merit or demerit comes down to dosage management. Some famous ones are Androgel, Testopel, Androstenedione, Nandrolone, Stanozolol, Prednisone, Danocrine, Dianabol, etc.

The main difference between dietary supplements and steroids is that the former is nutrient-filled to aid deficiencies from normal feeding while the latter is a drug taken for appearance/performance enhancement purposes. Both of them aid muscle-repair and recovery to different degrees.. Ultimately, the choice of use comes down to the individual and their goals but in each case, moderation and balance remain a guiding principle to hold dear.

Natural foods will always win out in this battle for nourishing the body and that is the foremost reason why you should care about what you eat. Quality foods eaten in the right quantity will make the difference in the type of life you live. Watch what you eat and make it an enjoyable and healthy experience every time.

Let’s work!!!



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It’s hard to eat right and that’s just the blatant truth. There’s so much to choose from and a lot of these are unhealthy choices, tempting yes, but mostly sinful for your body. There’s also the concern that healthy food is more expensive relative to its fast food variants. That too is true for the most part. Still, you can eat healthy on a budget and your bank account needn’t suffer for the right decision. The following are hacks that will help you make better nutrition choices with a minimal dent on your pocketbook.



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As simple as a cup of water before a meal is what you need to control your calorie intake. If losing weight is a big goal for you, then this is a must to do every time. Why? Because water contains zero calories, nada. And it fills you thus preventing overeating. An added advantage is that it aids digestion and soothes your muscles and joints. Drink water, it’s golden.


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A healthy meal can easily become unhealthy just by changing the cooking method. One golden rule is: “Never overcook anything” not because it’s an unpleasant culinary choice but also because you end up losing all the nutrients in the meal, thus, failing to nourish your body with food. Eat as fresh as possible. Make a conscious choice to eat food raw or with as minimal cooking as possible. Most veggies need little or no cooking at all, take advantage of these. You save gas too, so it’s a win, win.


Industrialization helped so much and allowed the mass production of many things, food inclusive. Nonetheless, processed foods usually need preservatives to give them a long shelf life with mostly negative side effects on human health like allergies, bowel movements etc. Moreover, whole foods (natural foods) contain a higher concentration of the macro-nutrients your body needs better than can be got from artificial sources. So, cut down on your visits to convenience stores that thrive on these types of food choices. Instead, try the farmers market. You will be encouraging local enterprise and treating your body to premium food choices that it deserves. As a compromise, eat as little processed foods as possible if at all. Do natural foods more.


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Living things must eat to live but we do not live to eat. Put food in its place. It is just fuel your body needs to perform its functions, it’s not your life.  A strong and principled mental shift is key to keep you in charge of your appetite for food so that food doesn’t become a tool for rewarding or punishing yourself. Research shows our memory is better on an empty stomach, go figure.

Also, stop eating the first time you feel full. The signal your brain gives you is vital, you should heed it. Not eating in front of the TV will help you notice the signal the first time because you aren’t distracted. Only eat for the right reasons and don’t feel like a weirdo to say NO to an offer to have a meal if you don’t feel like it.


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Yes, this can’t be over-emphasized. Let me just say now, the more active you are, the more water you need to drink. That said, a gallon of water a day is a healthy baseline to work with for moderately active persons. For all its healthful impact on health, is there really any liquid better? Forget the scientist, H2O is the sweetest liquid there is, drink it. If the taste (mind you, it’s tasteless) is too bland for you, then add natural sweeteners like fruits to make it interesting.


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This simply means if, for instance, pasta is your favorite meal and you just can’t go a few days without it, by all means, indulge one week. Then abstain in the next week to pick it up the following week. You can space your cycling however you like as long as you keep the duration of indulgence and abstinence balanced and self-complementary. Two weeks on, two weeks off works for me. This keeps you enjoying your favorite meal longer and reduces the likelihood that the otherwise unregulated indulgence will be a high-calorie intake source for you.

And you don’t have to spend more for this habit. Instead, you actually cut down on expenses.


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It’s not a competition, so you don’t have to finish your food first. There’s a rubric here. Slow eating is better as it helps with hydration, digestion, and weight loss and maintenance in relation to eating too fast (that is, rushing your food).  But research shows that eating too slow makes you consume more food because it takes you longer to feel full. So, balance is the key here. Don’t rush your food but don’t snail away at it either. Eat sufficiently fast, the right tempo of slow, feel me?


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Veggies are for health, eat them. Consciously try to have some type of non-starchy veggie in your meal every time you eat. Your body is going to thank you for it in years to come. Cabbages, cucumbers, spinach etc can be got at great bargains, go get them. A fine point is that they contain fewer calories and are mostly filling so you end up eating less food. They are also great for weight loss and maintenance goals.

The right things do not have to be hard all the time. These hacks hinge on forming the right habits, not spending more money. Why spend big bucks on unnecessary amounts of supplements and processed foods when you can simply just learn to do right by yourself, form healthy habits.

Let’s Work!